

Displaying results 1841 - 1850 of 4661

Mary Suiter and Bonnie T. MeszarosFinancial education in the early grades can establish the basis for wise saving and spending habits that will serve students throughout their lives. 96Surfing the Net

Type: Journal article

National Council on Economic EducationStudents learn how mutual funds work by forming a class investment club and observing the changes in their stock value over time.92

Type: Journal article

National Council on Economic EducationIn this lesson, students learn how quickly credit card balances can grow and how long it can take to pay them off; they also learn some sensible ways to use credit. 85

Type: Journal article

Mark C. Schug and William C. WoodEven people of modest means, such as teachers, can build wealth over time if they adhere to certain simple strategies.Lesson Plans80

Type: Journal article

Jane S. LopusBy tapping into students’ curiosity about the stock market, teachers can motivate them to learn many important personal finance concepts.74

Type: Journal article

John S. MortonTo improve the weak presence of personal finance education in our schools, we must establish its home within the economics curriculum. 70

Type: Journal article

Alan Greenspan Educators can help prevent young people from making poor decisions that have enduring consequences by providing students with a foundation of financial literacy. 66

Type: Journal article

Financial Education64

Type: Journal article


Type: Journal article

Social Education StaffIraq was rocked by continued violence and upheaval in 2004. This special section offers a detailed chronology of significant events that affected the country last year.

Type: Journal article