

Displaying results 711 - 720 of 4661

The House of Delegates (HOD) provides a forum for the general membership of NCSS, as represented by state councils, communities, and associated groups, to bring ideas, principles, beliefs, and actions regarding social studies education to the attention of the NCSS Board of Directors. Resolutions are the framework through which the NCSS membership at-large makes recommendations to the Board. Any NCSS member may submit a resolution following the guidelines established in the House of Delegates Manual. Resolutions are debated and voted on during HOD meeting at the NCSS Annual Conference.…

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NCSS is pleased to share two vital resources to support your social studies advocacy and leadership: our 2020 House of Delegates (HOD) resolutions approved by the NCSS Board of Directors, and our new open call for 2021 resolutions. Why are resolutions important? First, they represent your voice within NCSS and the social studies profession. They provide a chance to share the issues you care about to a wider national audience. In a larger sense, they represent the democratic process in action within our organization – a chance for all members to shape the direction and priorities of NCSS and…

Type: Blog

Reps. Kildee, Hinson Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Civics and Government Education Bipartisan Bill Would Expand the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Role in Promoting Civics and Government Education WASHINGTON—Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05), Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, and Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (IA-01), today introduced new legislation to expand access to civics and government education. The Promoting Programming, Research, Education and Preservation in (PREP) Civics and Government Act would add the study of civics and government to the scope…

Type: Story

Happy almost the end of the school year! What a year it has been! Despite the challenges brought about by distance learning, hybrid learning, and for many of us a return to in-person learning, our Rho Kappa chapters continue to do amazing things. If you’re an advisor or interested in becoming an advisor, we encourage you to consider following the Rho Kappa Advisors group on Facebook as a means of networking and sharing ideas with other sponsors throughout the country.   The Rho Kappa organization is overseen by members of the NCSS staff and the national Rho Kappa advisory council. This…

Type: Blog

Join us for 1 day of sizzling professional learning from social studies teachers and professionals on June 28, 2021 from 11 AM–5 PM ET. $29 gives NCSS members and non-members access to 24 webinars that will inspire you, provide rich summer learning and address the hottest topics in civics/government, human rights/anti-racism, social studies pedagogy, and technology! Learn more.

Type: Event

In my last TSSP message, I made this radical statement: Every social studies educator should have an advocacy plan. That might have sounded extreme, but I truly believe it. To move our discipline forward, it is imperative that we, the ones closest to it, have a plan. I shared tools from the NCSS Advocacy Toolkit in order to do this, such as our “Got Social Studies?” Rubric (State Level and District Level) and our Advocacy Plan Template.  What I didn’t explicitly say, however, is creating the plan is just the first step. All of you may be thinking, well, duh. However, the part after creating…

Type: Blog

Your social studies leadership can make a difference like never before. As I shared in my TSSP message this week, NCSS has several federal legislative priorities and advocacy issues that impact education – and are conversation-starters – from the community to Congress. These priorities and issues are brought to life through your stories and your networks, by sharing why social studies are urgently needed now. As an active leader in our national social studies community, you are invited to raise your social studies voice in a new way – and invite colleagues in your network to do the same,…

Type: Blog

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) is opening a Call for Expertise for NCSS Position Statement Reviews. Two task forces are being formed: Vision of Powerful Teaching and Learning in the Social Studies and Revised Code of Ethics for the Social Studies Profession. Responsibilities: To review and revise existing NCSS position statements: Vision of Powerful Teaching and Learning in the Social Studies and Revised Code of Ethics for the Social Studies Profession. Eligibility: You may self-nominate or nominate others. Task Force Size: 7 to 9 members Meeting Requirements: Various…

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