

Displaying results 251 - 260 of 4662

Podcasts may be useful in the classroom, but teachers need to consider the instructional purpose andcontext within which they areused.

Type: Journal article

The highlighted websites can help teachers explain the financial crisis as well as help raise students overall financial literacy.

Type: Journal article

In this activity, students debate whether a business best serves society by maximizing profits or by promoting social justice policies.

Type: Journal article

AP economics courses are a positive-sum game students gain important skills and learn to determine the most advantageous combination of costs and benefits.

Type: Journal article

We may never achieve perfectly free international trade, but the struggle to reduce existing trade restrictions is a noble one.

Type: Journal article

In many of the nations top business schools it sometimes seems that a focus on profits has replaced ethics. Yet recent research shows that the teaching of ethics need not wait until higher education.

Type: Journal article

A survey of more than a thousand teachers reveals some interesting distinctions about economics teachers.

Type: Journal article

Keynesian fiscal policyout of fashion with economists and policymakers for decadeshas enjoyed a revival under President Obama's new economic policy team, but competing approaches also have their advocates.

Type: Journal article

The current economic crisis is primarily a story about unintended consequences and what happens when the incentive structure is damaged by unsound institutions and policies.

Type: Journal article

Taxes have played a significant role throughout American historyprovoking revolution, inspiring representative government, and financing war and major domestic initiatives.

Type: Journal article