

Displaying results 2141 - 2150 of 4661

Educators across the country are starting the most challenging school year they will probably ever encounter. The pandemic has exacerbated and created immense challenges for educators and society at large. Members of the NCSS Board of Directors have worked to use this time to make changes to their curriculum, advocate for an equity and antiracist focus in their districts and organizations, and think about how their teaching might look different this school year. Examples include:   "Our district is putting together committees to really examine issues of equity.  I am now on the committee to…

Type: Blog

Students living social studies! Learn how to speak with and engage your students on civics from students themselves. Lead by the founders of a student network of creators and academics reaching across their own party lines to create curriculum, this webinar is designed for teacher to: Encourage student discussion on divisive issues Spark student interest in current events Cultivate a classroom of inclusion Create a nonpartisan political foundation in a hyper-partisan era Apply educational resources tailored towards your students' generation (discussion, media & video, etc.). See…

Type: Event

Young People are Talking about Politics, Whether or Not They're in our Classrooms: Why We Need to Help Students Navigate the 2020 Elections and Beyond, and How to Do So This webinar is intended to help K-12 educators consider the ways that they can engage students in inquiry and preparation to participate in the 2020 presidential election this November and civic life in the future—without starting from scratch or going it alone. Educators will be introduced to the work of the 17 nonprofit members of Teaching for Democracy Alliance (TFDA) and over 150 resources curated by the…

Type: Event

Including Elections and Voting in Your Back-to-School Planning: Why It’s More Crucial This Year, and How Admin Can Do So Effectively In this webinar, K-12 school, district, and state administrators will consider research, resources, and examples of what it looks like to make an institution-wide commitment to engaging students in inquiry and preparation to participate in the 2020 presidential election this November and civic life in the future. Attendees will be introduced to the 17 nonprofit members of the Teaching for Democracy Alliance (TFDA) and their collective resources…

Type: Event

Nearly one hundred years ago, Benito Mussolini turned a democratic republic into a one-party Fascist state. He didn’t come to power at the head of an army. Or by starting a revolution. He was elected and was able to quickly seize power in Italy and create a template later used by Hitler. This webinar will investigate the rise of five of the most ruthless dictators in modern history— Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Saddam Hussein. We will discuss the current rising peril to democracy around the world. And we will highlight the important connection between…

Type: Event

It is an election year and the way the nation goes about choosing a Chief Executive this year is already unlike any before given the pandemic and how social distancing has impacted primaries, nominating conventions, campaigning, debates, and more. In-person voting is a large question mark. Surely the Framers did not envision a balloting process that looks like what we have –even before the Covid crisis. What did they have in mind more than 230 years ago? This webinar will explore the history of the presidency and the process created in 1787 by the Framers of the Constitution to choose that…

Type: Event

Educators across the United States are at a loss at how to address race and racism in the classroom. They are admitting that they are not equipped when it comes to race; nor do they know where to even locate resources to help them. In turn, students are aware that they are not being exposed to historical truths. They are highly attuned into the racial tension in the United States and in their academic settings. Gaps are left and they have questions that are not being answered. Both parties are frustrated and left without the ability to learn skills on how to navigate difficult discussions on…

Type: Event

NCSS Position Statement Approved by the NCSS Board of Directors, September 2019 Introduction Americans are presently situated within a political, cultural, and social context where collective values and legal rights are being challenged by those who hold power and privilege. While this is not unique to 2019, it is a time in which we, as a society, must recognize the critical importance of historical accuracy and the need to build the skills necessary to discern facts about who we are collectively and as individuals. This is especially true for LGBT+ individuals, whose rights and histories…

Type: Basic page

When the pandemic started, NCSS immediately revisited our professional learning programs online to create a more responsive way for members to connect with each other. This month, NCSS launched two major parts to that overall plan – and to prepare for our Centennial Celebration. First, I am delighted to announce our brand-new web site! Completely refreshed, provides you with easier access to the professional learning resources and support you seek for today's social studies classroom. I invite you to explore, bookmark, and share our new online home with your colleagues…

Type: Blog