

Displaying results 1341 - 1350 of 4661

The English East India Company provides an excellent case study for a lesson on the complex dynamics and consequences of intertwined business-government relations.

Type: Journal article

A close study of Tokugawa Japan and Industrial Revolution Britain will correct textbook depictions and reveal societies that had pro-growth government policies and significant economic freedom.

Type: Journal article

A historic look at China and its early technological advances offers an excellent opportunity to incorporate economic lessons into the study of world history.

Type: Journal article

The study of medieval guilds and their role in regulating trade provides opportunities for teaching key economic concepts in a historical context.

Type: Journal article

Studying the economic choices of the Roman Empire prior to its collapse can highlight for students the relationship between government failure and economic failure.

Type: Journal article

Students will gain a better understanding of the pre-modern world when they consider the role that new technologies and institutions played in the advances of modern societies.

Type: Journal article

Type: Journal article

The C3 Framework anchors social studies in the process of inquiry while ensuring that social studies classrooms provide an emphasis on civic action.

Type: Journal article

The C3 Framework can revamp state social studies standards that have been stuck in an outdated model.

Type: Journal article

The C3 Framework enhances the rigor of social studies, builds the necessary skills for students to become engaged citizens, and aligns academic programs to the Common Core.

Type: Journal article