About CS4

Council of State Social Studies Specialists

About CS4

Council of State Social Studies Specialists

The Council of State Social Studies Specialists (CS4) is an organization founded in 1965, with the primary goal of providing a vehicle for the exchange of ideas among the various states. Its members include the specialists, consultants, and supervisors who have responsibilities for social studies education in the various state departments of education/public instruction. The membership officially meets once a year just prior to the annual convention of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) where members discuss current trends in social studies education and collaborate on current endeavors. Other meetings are planned and held as is feasible and desirable.

State social studies specialists occupy positions that require a variety of skills and roles to support high-quality social studies instruction for students. State social studies specialists may work with local schools within the state; with the various bureaus, offices, and divisions of the state education department; with institutions of higher education within the state; with programs established by state and federal legislation; with professional organizations, and with public and private agencies outside of the state department of education. The various duties performed are summarized in the following sections relative to the roles and responsibilities of the state social studies specialists.



CS4 Constitution

CS4 Executive Committee 2023-2024


Lauren Gallicchio, KY

Executive Committee

President: Lauren Gallicchio, KY
President-elect: Amit Kobroski, OR
Vice President: Ashley Woolsey Greene, NJ
Past President: Leah Renzi, MD
Director: Nate McAlister, KS
Director: JoAnna Sorensen UT
Member-at-large: Raymond Hamilton, D.C.
Member-at-large: Blake Busbin (AL)
Treasurer: Brenda Beymer-Chapman, OK 
Executive Secretary: Scott Abbott, DE

Contact CS4

General questions about CS4?  Contact CS4 president.

Questions about the website?  Contact Joy Hatcher, chair of the CS4 Technology Committee.

Membership Types

Types of CS4 Membership

The Council may offer three classes of membership -- regular membership, associate membership, and professional memberships. Membership status may be reviewed, shifted to affiliate, and/or rescinded for any member who engages in activities that pose a conflict of interest to the Council.

Regular Member

Regular membership is open to members of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) who are current state department of education specialists as well as the District of Columbia, U.S. territories and commonwealths, and Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) officials with significant responsibilities for social studies disciplines. This includes individuals on temporary assignment to a state agency. Regular members may participate in determining a state’s/agency’s caucus vote, have access to the listserv communications and the website, participate in Council conferences and meetings, hold office, serve on the NCSS committees representing the Council; and receive publications and other services of the Council. Regular members who leave their position may (1) become an associate member if they retire or are employed by a group that does not pose a potential conflict of interest, or (2) become an affiliate member if they are employed by a social studies related non-profit or private company.

Associate Member

Associate membership is open to members of the NCSS who are former regular members of the Council. Membership may include those who have retired or are employed by a group that does not cause a potential conflict of interest to the Council. Associate members may be added to listserv communications and website, participate in Council conferences and meetings; hold office as Executive Secretary or as one of the Member-at-Large positions; serve on the NCSS committees representing the Council; and receive publications and other services, including, but not limited to the listserv communications, of the Council. Associate members may participate in caucus discussions but not vote on Council matters. Associate members may become affiliate members when employment status changes.

Professional Memberships. This includes Honorary memberships and Affiliate memberships.

Honorary Member

Honorary membership is open to persons who have contributed significantly to the work of the Council and are not otherwise eligible for membership. Honorary members may participate in Council conferences and receive publications and other services including, but not limited to, the listserv communications of the Council. Honorary members may not participate in Council business meetings or vote on council matters.

Affiliate Member

Affiliate membership is open to representatives of organizations which represent a social studies related non–profit or private company that are not otherwise eligible for membership. This membership must be voted on by the Executive Board and must be renewed annually or upon a change of the organization’s representative member. Affiliate members pay an annual membership fee and receive publications and other services, including, but not limited to the listserv communications of the Council. Affiliate members may not participate in Council business meetings or vote on council matters.

Applications for regular, associate, and professional memberships must be made to the Executive Board. Decisions relative to eligibility for membership shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board.

All members, except honorary members, must pay annual NCSS and CS4 dues and all must adhere to the purpose for which the organization was established.

The period of membership is contingent on the payment of annual CS4 and NCSS yearly dues as well as being a member in good standing. Membership includes the ability to attend the CS4 Annual Meeting.

If you are interested in joining CS4 as an associate, organizational, or affiliate member, please contact the CS4 president.