Submit to The Dean's List

Submit to The Dean's List

National Council for the Social Studies' (NCSS) professional development newsletter, Professional Development Monthly (PD Monthly), provides an opportunity for NCSS members to showcase their career achievements or advancements in a special section called "The Dean's List." NCSS encourages all members to submit an announcement to The Dean's List.


Dean's List Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must come from current NCSS Members.
  • Submissions must relate to a recent (within the last three months) career achievement or advancement.
    • Career achievements must pertain to the successful completion of a project that has brought noteworthy praise or change to the member or their department, school, district, or state.
    • Career advancements must pertain to the acceptance of a new job or title related to social studies.
  • NCSS reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions for inclusion in PD Monthly.

To submit to The Dean's List, please complete the form below.