Call for Manuscripts (Book)

Call for Manuscripts (Book)

Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency

Scholars are invited to submit a chapter proposal for consideration in the upcoming edited book, Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency. This volume of the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series will explore participatory methodologies and tools that involve children in research. The editors invite chapter proposals that critically examine methodological approaches that empower children in the research process. Contributions may include empirical or practitioner pieces that operate from an empowerment paradigm and demonstrate the capacity of children to contribute their perspectives and voices to our understanding of childhood and children’s lives. We also welcome conceptual pieces that challenge existing theoretical frameworks, critique research paradigms, and analyze dilemmas or tensions related to ethics, policy, and power relations in the research process.


Proposals should be made on one single-spaced page, and consist of your name and affiliation, email address, a tentative title, and an abstract (200-250 words). Please include an additional page with a brief biography (200-300 words) and relevant professional publications. All proposals should be sent as a single Word file of 2 pages to Ilene Berson ( by January 30, 2017.

More details on the call and submission timeline may be found at:

Ilene R. Berson, University of South Florida

Michael J. Berson, University of South Florida

Colette Gray, Stranmillis University College, A College of Queen’s University Belfast