2023 NCSS Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources Summer Institutes

2023 NCSS Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources Summer Institutes

Join us for the 2023 NCSS Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources Summer Institute! This free professional learning event will be offered at three locations nationwide.

This institute invites you to delve into inquiry using the C3 Framework and the digital collections of the Library of Congress. The NCSS Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Summer Institute brings together social studies methods professors and doctoral students from across the NCSS membership to pilot chapters from the online methods text currently under development: Inquiry and the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources to Prepare Students for College, Career, and Civic Life. Participants will begin to develop model curriculum inquiries which they can adapt for their methods courses using this text and other Library of Congress resources. 

This text is a collaborative project of the NCSS and Library of Congress and generously supported by the Library through the Teaching with Primary Sources grant. 

Register Today!

Agendas, Hotel and Travel, and other program-specific information can be found on the respective event pages below: