

Displaying results 661 - 670 of 2115

—Vaishali Patel and Margaret Smith CroccoCountering siplistic views of South Asian women, the authors detail the progress women have made over the past fifty years in that part of the world.28

Type: Journal article

The three approaches to teaching about the legacies of nuclear development outlined in this article can advance students’ critical literacy skills as they analyze artifacts of popular culture.

Type: Journal article

One teacher’s experience recording video from the viewer’s perspective in Antarctica provides a creative model for inquiry-oriented activities to engage students in problem-based, real-world exploration.

Type: Journal article

A teacher who reviewed and piloted the New York State Toolkit inquiries describes her experience teaching the Uncle Tom's Cabin inquiry.

Type: Journal article

Yali Zhao and John D. HogeWhen Japan approved a textbook glossing over wartime atrocities in Asia, it not only sparked regional protests, but also exposed a hole in World War II studies on this side of the Pacific.

Type: Journal article

The authors provide the reader an opportunity to see how second-grade children can use a twelfth-century painting as historical evidence to identify transportation modes, economic activities, and cultural features of Bianjing, an ancient Chinese city. They compare Bianjing with their community using modern mapping technology. Through this approach, art, history, geography, economics, technology, and civics are integrated into an engaging inquiry lesson.

Type: Journal article