

Displaying results 661 - 670 of 3706

The early years of National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) set the tone for its later development. Launched to bridge the gap between school teachers and the social sciences, NCSS was conceived by its early leaders as an organization that would provide an umbrella for educators in a variety of academic disciplines. It sought close ties with existing educational associations active in the various social scientific fields. A primary goal for early NCSS officials was to expand the membership as rapidly as possible and the new organization caught on with teachers soon after its…

Type: Journal article

The year 1783 marked the end of the American Revolution and set this country on a path as the "United" States of America. The majority of Americans at this time were uneducated. The home, job, and church all played a greater role in education than did the schools (Barr, Barth, and Shermis 1977). The citizens of the United States would need, however, to be educated in the values and responsibilities necessary for national cohesion and survival. According to Cremin (1980), The goal was nothing less than a new republican individual, of virtuous character, abiding patriotism, and prudent wisdom…

Type: Journal article

Type: Basic page

In this era of disinformation and denial, truth seekers are challenged at every juncture to discover authentic and documented facts. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the opening of their archives revealed a wealth of proof of orders given by Stalin and his regime to confiscate all of the foodstuffs from parts of Ukraine. Stalin’s Five Year Plan required capital to industrialize and quickly modernize his nation. In this webinar, we will: Examine the steps the Soviet Union took to confiscate all foodstuffs from areas of Ukraine in 1932-1933 Learn how some Western journalists became…

Type: Resource

A Position Statement of National Council for the Social Studies Approved March 2018 Introduction What is the intent of civic education? At its core, civic education should provide students with the ability to take informed action to address problems relevant to life in a democratic republic. It should target the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to ensure that young people are truly capable of becoming active and engaged participants in civic life.1 Authentic assessment in civic education should thus reflect the importance of the three core components of civic…

Type: Basic page

The Rho Kappa E-Newsletter is the official newsletter of Rho Kappa. The Rho Kappa E-Newsletter features the chapter spotlights, news, resources, and FAQ. The Rho Kappa E-Newsletter is a resource that is published six times a year.

Type: Basic page

Teachers will find this list of noteworthy websites gathered at the NCSS annual conference invaluable for teaching with historical documents, exploring controversial issues, implementing the C3 Framework, and much more.

Type: Journal article

At a time when there are too few women in key leadership positions, some schools have moved forward with programs to actively cultivate the potential of female students.

Type: Journal article