

Displaying results 3211 - 3220 of 3706

A Position Statement of National Council for the Social Studies Approved and published 2021

Type: Basic page

Revised and approved by NCSS Board of Directors 2016

Type: Basic page

As the situation in Israel and Gaza develops, teachers may find themselves fielding questions from students and supporting them in processing what they have heard and seen in the news. The following resources from NCSS address discussing current issues in a classroom setting.

Type: Resource

Examining selected digital historical records can highlight for students how their emphases, distortions, or omissions can influence perceptions of events.

Type: Journal article

In “Remixing” Current Events: Navigating the Transmedia Terrain with Fifth Graders,” Daniel G. Krutka outlines how teachers can provide opportunities for students to explore current issues and “identify blind spots in media coverage.”

Type: Journal article

Upper elementary students used a variety of research skills to identify and explore current events and issues within their own community. Using an action civics approach, students also developed and enacted a plan to address the issues that their exploration of local current events highlighted.

Type: Journal article

The author explains how she scaffolded students’ learning regarding the analysis of political advertisements, thereby enhancing their ability to be informed, engaged citizens in an election year and beyond.

Type: Journal article

“I Know More than the Scietists”: Selecting Media Education Approaches for the Moment This multifaceted media education approach can help students recognize media influences and stem the flow of misinformation.  

Type: Journal article

Incorporating these teaching resources in the classroom can aid students in developing media literacy skills and deepen their understanding of how media creators shape our views.   

Type: Journal article