

Displaying results 2321 - 2330 of 3706

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By implementing a few key strategies, we can promote the successful integration of refugees into our schools.

Type: Journal article

Two Words in Need of Redemption John Hergesheimer Lewis & Clark: An Interdisciplinary Expedition Kristy Brugar The Compromise of 1790: A Capital Simulation David L. Ghere Book Review: York's Adventure with Lewis and Clark by Rhoda Blumberg Paul Horton Furious and Formidable: A Lewis & Clark Bestiary

Type: Journal Issue

Lookout Point: Abolitionists Among the Founding Fathers Kevin Brady Runaway Slave Advertisements: Teaching from Primary Documents Tom Costa and Brooks Doyle Teaching About Immigration, Past and Present Susan Pass Facts about Our Immigrants

Type: Journal Issue

Lookout Point: Teaching History in a Post-Industrial Age Ann Bianchetti Workin' on the Railroad: African American Labor History Rebecca C. Maher A Union of Railroad Workers Sets the Pace A. Phillip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum Laying Track Over the Sierra Nevada U.S. National Park Service Diary of a Railroad Construction Engineer A. N. Ferguson Train Schedules, Standardization, and The Day of Two Noons Steven S. Lapham This Hammer'll Be the Death of Me: The Railroad's Hazardous Early Years

Type: Journal Issue

Hard Times in the USA The Great Depression “Maybe You Could Help?” Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt Mary Mason Royal Will the Senate Confirm “Karl B. Fennin”? William E. Amburn Ben Franklin’s Evolving View on Race and Ethnicity Steven S. Lapham and Drew Saunders The Game of History: A Creative Review Activity Christine Bell Your Move! History Board Games

Type: Journal Issue

Wireless Fever! Gay Parents Do Exist:Letting the Rabbit Out of the Hat Debra Chasnoff Radio Days in the Classroom Dan Schuchat Design a Book: A Quest in Ancient Egypt David Cooper Bandwidth Problems ca. 1912: The Need for Federal Regulation

Type: Journal Issue

Philip Reid and the Statue of Freedom Eugene Walton Casting Freedom, 1860-1862 Restoring Freedom, 1993 An Abolitionist Cartoon, 1830

Type: Journal Issue

American Revolution:Three Lesson Plans for Critical Thinking Stephanie Wasta Working to Improve Our Community: Students as Citizens and Town Planners Ted Mitchell Poems for Two Voices: An Interdisciplinary Activity Leslie Perfect Ricklin The Back Page: “Skin the Snake” A Colonial Children's Game

Type: Journal Issue

Linking Civics and Current Events Melissa J. Marks Leaders of Recent Nonviolent Revolutions Melissa N. Matusevich The Back Page: “Friend or Foe” Game

Type: Journal Issue