Wahama High School Chapter Wraps Up Active Year

Wahama High School Chapter Wraps Up Active Year

The Wahama High School chapter of Rho Kappa led by chapter advisor Catherine Hamm is wrapping up an active 2017-2018 school year! Some of their activities included...

  • Announcing "This Day in History" over the school intercom. 
  • Organized the school 9/11 assembly and Veterans Day assembly. Conducted the assemblies, provided poetry and reflective readings. For the 9/11 assembly the county emergency management director attended, who had been a first responder at both the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9/11 attack. For Veterans Day, the local VFW Stewart Johnson Post 9926 presented a ceremony on flag etiquette and patriotism.
  • Decorated the school for Veterans Day and provided a reception for the honored veterans attending.
  • Raised more than $600 for scholarships to be given to chapter seniors.
  • Researched, wrote a scrip, filmed, and starred in a Youtube video highlighting historical places throughout the county. The video was 45 minutes long. Chapter president, Isaiah Pauley did all of the editing and final production of the video.
  • Conducted an essay contest for the junior high students and 5-6 grade students from the elementary school that feeds into Wahama High School. Two winners were selected and awarded $50 each.