Message from Rho Kappa Advisory Council Chair

Message from Rho Kappa Advisory Council Chair

Author:Jenny Morgan

Ten years ago, the National Council for the Social Studies and the Florida Council for the Social Studies embarked on a mission to develop a national high school honors society specifically focused on social studies.  Throughout this decade, dozens of volunteer council members have worked to shape Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society into what it is today.  We greatly focused on growing Rho Kappa chapter numbers. Today, we are proud to have grown to 760 Rho Kappa chapters in 41 states and 4 countries recognizing student achievement in social studies. 

At no other time in the past decade has recognizing student excellence in the social studies classroom and the community been more important. One of the focuses of each Rho Kappa Advisory Council has always been to expand Rho Kappa to the middle school/junior high level. This became a reality during July 2019  with the launch of Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society. Presently, we have 14 new junior chapters!  As it did to so many things, the coronavirus pandemic challenged the growth of our new junior chapters, but we are confident that the society will experience much the same growth as the high school version.  

We are excited for the reemergence of the Rho Kappa e-newsletter as a manner of connecting with our current and future chapters. This will serve as a great venue to showcase the wonderful things that existing chapters and their advisors are doing around the country. Chapter advisors can also connect and share their chapters’ successes via the Rho Kappa National Honors Society Facebook page.  

Interested in starting a Rho Kappa or Junior Rho Kappa Chapter in your school? Check out the NCSS website, reach out to existing chapters and advisors, or become part of the Facebook page.  There are so many great people willing to give you ideas for establishing and developing an outstanding chapter!

Already a chapter advisor or just interested in helping Rho Kappa grow? This spring there will be a call to fill two expiring Rho Kappa Advisory Council seats, one high school level position, and one middle school level position.  This group of six educators meets virtually throughout the school year with NCSS staff to further develop offerings for Rho Kappa chapters and advisors as well as furthering engagement efforts to grow Rho Kappa.  Additionally, members of the advisory council annually present a session at the NCSS Annual Conference to answer questions and provide networking opportunities for educators with interests in Rho Kappa.

There are several other exciting projects in the works, so watch for announcements in the very near future! The Rho Kappa newsletter will be delivered six times a year. Chapter advisors are encouraged to submit chapter highlights each semester, including interesting stories, great service projects, innovative events and more. For more information on starting a chapter, general chapter engagement questions, or renewing your chapter’s membership, contact Xavier Frink NCSS Communications Associate at


Jenny Morgan
2018-2021 Rho Kappa Advisory Council Chair