Message from Lawrence Paska: NCSS Executive Director

Message from Lawrence Paska: NCSS Executive Director

Welcome to the latest edition of our Rho Kappa E-Newsletter! As a chapter advisor, you are a key part of a special community of over 750 educators with possibly the best position in the entire school: advising a student honor society for the social studies!

We are in the scramble to conclude a most unusual school year in many parts of the country, and your chapter’s students are completing projects and possibly preparing for graduation. We hope this edition of our newsletter gives you a little insight into what’s happening throughout our Rho Kappa chapter network, and some interesting ideas to consider for your chapter. In this edition, we feature a new interview with Matthew McDonald, a chapter leader from Charles J. Colgan High School, and some examples of engaging service events and project ideas you could consider for your community. 

We have a great opportunity for you to expand your Rho Kappa leadership to the national level. Beginning July 1, our National Rho Kappa Advisory Council will have three openings. This advisory council serves as the governance of our chapter network, reporting annually to the NCSS Board of Directors, and includes three members from our Junior Rho Kappa (grades 7-9) and Rho Kappa (grades 1—12) chapters. As an advisory council member, you play a vital role in the continued growth and vitality of all chapters. You get to share national news to chapters in your region and encourage the development of new chapters everywhere. This is an exciting and important time for all chapters to stimulate lifelong inquiry and informed civic action in our students, so please consider applying to serve on our advisory council today! If appointed, your three-year term would begin July 1 – and it’s also renewable.

We are always on the lookout for awesome ideas and great examples of projects and activities you are doing with your Rho Kappa student members. Please share your latest and best with Xavier Frink at, and we can feature you in a future edition of our e-newsletter.

Thank you for playing such an important part in your students’ preparation for active civic engagement and social studies excellence through Rho Kappa! We’re deeply proud of our chapter network and your outstanding commitment to high-quality social studies learning as an advisor.



NCSS Executive Director Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D.

Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D.
Executive Director