Searching for Social Studies: How Social Studies Curriculum Can Transform Teaching

Searching for Social Studies: How Social Studies Curriculum Can Transform Teaching


May 12, 2021 12:00 PM -
May 12, 2021 1:00 PM

More Info:


Can a new social studies curriculum begin to transform teaching practice? Join us for a discussion with Jim Short, Carnegie Corporation's Program Director for Leadership and Teaching to Advance Learning. Jim will share the details of a new Carnegie report that places the curriculum at the center of professional learning. Then, we’ll head into the field to look at the model in action, with Sarah Milo Hoskow, inquirED’s Director of Partner Experience.

 This is part of the "Searching for Social Studies" series:

  • March 18 - Why Instructional Materials Matter
  • March 24 - District Spotlight Denver Public Schools
  • April 21 - The Curriculum Review Guide
  • May 12 - How Social Studies Curriculum Can Transform Teaching

Register for one or all through the registration link.

All Times Eastern


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