NCSS and Civic Life Project - Video Storytelling

NCSS and Civic Life Project - Video Storytelling


May 20, 2022 1:00 PM -
May 20, 2022 2:00 PM

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The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) is partnering with the Civic Life Project, a nonpartisan organization advancing youth civic engagement through the use of video storytelling.

Join us on May 20 at 1:00 PM ET to learn how to bring filmmaking and video storytelling into your classroom! You will learn:

  • About the Civic Life Project’s project-based lesson plans and curriculum which tasks students with creating a well-researched, empathetic, compelling, and balanced video about a civic issue they believe to be important.
  • How to easily tailor the program to existing civic and social studies classes, while also integrating storytelling, digital media, and media literacy.  
  • And… how your students can win up to $5,000 in financial incentives and awards by participating in the annual Democracy Youth Film Challenge! 

The webinar will be facilitated by Civic Life Project’s co-founders, the award-winning and acclaimed documentarians, Catherine Tatge and Dominique Lasseur.

Help your students in their ability to exercise the power of their voice and become storytellers about issues that resonate for them, impact our communities and encourage civic engagement.