Message from NCSS President Stefanie Wager to NCSS Leaders

Message from NCSS President Stefanie Wager to NCSS Leaders

By Stefanie Wager

Mar 24, 2021

Stefanie-Wager“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” As NCSS leaders, you are powerful beyond measure. You may not realize it or you may not yet fully embrace this power, but I want you to think about the possibilities.


This is a moment for social studies. How can you use your power as a leader to turn this moment into a movement? How can you use your voice to point out when you see social studies marginalized in your school, district, community, or state and take action to make a change? How can you engage others to take up the cause as well? Recently, NCSS put out an advocacy toolkit. This toolkit may help you engage in thinking about how to take action and encourage others to do so as well. Check it out at


Whether you are an affiliated council, community, or associated group leader, you have so much to contribute and we deeply value your contribution. We need the work you do now, more than ever. So, embrace your power, take action, and realize you can change the (social studies) world.




Stefanie Wager

President, National Council for the Social Studies