NCSS Supports the Freedom to Read

NCSS Supports the Freedom to Read

National Council for the Social Studies was invited by the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), as a coalition member, to sign onto a statement regarding a recent legal action in Virginia that could affect future free speech rights nationwide if other states followed suit. NCSS and its state affiliate, Virginia Council for the Social Studies, have signed onto the statement alongside other coalition members in support and protection of First Amendment freedoms and education.

Prohibiting the sale and distribution of books is an affront to our democratic values and threatens each person’s and each family’s individual liberties. It is contrary to our principles of democracy to allow anyone, regardless of their beliefs or political position, to determine what other Americans can read.

Our support is unwavering for social studies educators, school librarians, English Language Art educators, organizations, and publishers who support the freedom to learn, teach, and cultivate a lifelong love of reading. We will always seek to protect the freedom to read and support individual identity through social education.