Leading Transformational Change

Leading Transformational Change

Read "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail"
Harvard Business Review
John P. Kotter
May–June 1995

Overview: Stages, Actions and Pitfalls


Establish a Sense of Urgency

Actions Needed

  • Examine landscape for potential crises and untapped opportunities. 
  • Convince at least 75% of your stakeholders that the status quo is more dangerous than the unknown.


  • Underestimating the difficulty of driving people from their comfort zones. 
  • Becoming paralyzed by risks.                 


Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition

Actions Needed

  • Assemble a group with shared commitment and enough power to lead the change effort. 
  • Encourage them to work as a team outside the normal hierarchy. 


  • No prior experience in teamwork at the top.
  • Relegating team leadership to only those formally identified as “leaders”


Create a Vision
(with specific strategies)

Actions Needed

  • Create a vision to direct the change effort.
  • Develop strategies for realizing that vision.


  • Presenting a vision that’s too complicated or vague to be communicated in five minutes. 


Communicate the Vision

Actions Needed

  • Use every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies for achieving it. 
  • Teach new behaviors by the example of the guiding coalition.


  • Under Communicating the vision
  • Behaving in ways antithetical to the vision. 


Empower Others to Act on the Vision

Actions Needed

  • Remove or alter systems or structures undermining the vision. 
  • Encourage risk taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions. 


  • Failing to remove powerful individuals who resist the change effort. 


Plan For and Create Short-Term Wins

Actions Needed

  • Define and engineer visible performance improvements. 
  • Encourage risk taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions.


  • Leaving short-term successes up to chance
  • Failing to score successes early enough (12-24 months into change effort)


Consolidate Improvements and Produce More Change

Actions Needed

  • Use increased credibility from early wins to change systems, structures, and policies undermining the vision. 
  • Develop stakeholders who can implement the vision.
  • Reinvigorate the change process with new projects and change agents.


  • Declaring victory too soon- with the first performance improvement
  • Allowing resistors to convince “troops” that the war has been won


Institutionalize New Approaches

Actions Needed

  • Articulate connections between new behaviors and success. 
  • Create leadership development and succession plans consistent with the new approach. 


  • Not creating new social norms and shared values consistent with changes
  • Putting  people into leadership positions who don’t personify the new approach.