Message from Larry Paska: NCSS Executive Director

Message from Larry Paska: NCSS Executive Director

Welcome to the first issue of The NCSS Leader e-newsletter!

We are deeply proud of our network of affiliated councils, associated groups, special interest communities, and committees. Together, you form a solid foundation within NCSS and a core pipeline for advancing our profession. We are delighted to introduce this new monthly resource and the other benefits of affiliation. We hope this e-newsletter becomes your go-to resource for vital information on social studies advocacy and programs, your connection to other council leaders, and help in growing your council. It builds upon other supports we have expanded for Affiliated Councils over the past few years, including our monthly Leadership Forum webinar series, and the revamping of our annual Summer Leadership Institute.

As a former state council president (New York State Council for the Social Studies, 2015-16), I always welcomed more ways to connect with other social studies council leaders from across the country beyond the Affiliated Council Presidents’ meeting at the NCSS Annual Conference. Through our new e-newsletter, we plan to help all Affiliated Councils to build a cohesive strategy, advocacy plan, and professional learning program for our wider social studies community. The timing is urgent since NCSS is building our capacity to support social studies advocacy at the national and state levels.

Please share feedback with us on our new e-newsletter, and ideas for more content and resources for sharing in future editions. 

Thank you for your continued partnership. Together, we will continue to fulfill a strong mission of leadership, service, and support to educators – especially during this critical time for advancing social studies education.


Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D.

Executive Director