Grant for Geographic Literacy

Grant for Geographic Literacy

This award is not yet open for nominations. Please check back later!


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Purposes of the Award

The NCSS Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy was created to promote geography education in the schools; to enhance the geographic literacy of students at the classroom, district, or statewide level; and to encourage the integration of geography into the social studies curriculum/classroom.



  • Programs, not individuals, individual lessons or units, will enhance the geographic literacy of students at the classroom, district, or statewide levels.
  • Recipients may be individuals or groups in school districts, public institutions, or universities.
  • Proposals from individuals who have already received this grant may be considered after three years from the last time they received it.
  • Nominees must agree to be available to present their work at the NCSS Annual Conference and via webinar or other outreach means if selected as the recipient of the grant.


Applications are judged on the following:

  • Sound rationale and appropriate methods for incorporating the study of geography into the social studies curricula.
  • Specific plans for enhancing geographic literacy.
  • Feasibility of program implementation.
  • Number of teachers and students served.
  • Potential for program continuation or its effects after initial implementation.
  • The incorporation of the National Geography Standards as identified in Geography for Life (2012), appropriate section of NCSS, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (2010), appropriate sections of the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework or aspects of the Advanced Placement Human Geography Course and Exam Description.

Application Requirements

  • A five (5) page proposal, double spaced including:
    • A concise/sound rationale statement and appropriate methods for incorporating the study of geography into the social studies curricula. 
    • Complete program description that highlights specific geography skills and knowledge that will be introduced or reinforced; i.e., incorporation of the National Geography Standards as identified in Geography for Life (2012), appropriate section of NCSS, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (2010), appropriate sections of the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework or aspects of the Advanced Placement Human Geography Course and Exam Description.
    • Number of teachers and students served. 
    • Specific plans for enhancing geographic literacy. 
    • Specific criteria for and means of evaluating program effectiveness. 
    • Feasibility of program implementation. 
    • Provide a dissemination plan, statement of potential program impact after the first year, and efforts for sustaining the program for longer-term impact.   
    • Specific line-item budget for $2,500 program grant. Grant funds may not be used for indirect costs. 
  • Vitae or professional resumes for each key person involved in the implementation of the grant.
  • A Biographical Sketch:
    • Please prepare to submit a 200 word biographical sketch in a narrative format that includes both personal and professional information about key members of your team. Please include what motivated you and your team to develop this project and what you hope to accomplish in light of needs in geography education. In addition, list any professional leadership activities and memberships and what you feel support or strengthen your work as an educator. If you are selected as the award winner, this statement will be published in publicity materials.


Winners receive:

  • A $2,500 grant;
  • a commemorative award;
  • present a session on their work at the NCSS Annual Conference or via webinar/webcast at a later date; and
  • up to $800 in travel reimbursement when presenting their work at the NCSS Conference