The 1787 Prize

The 1787 Prize

Applications are currently closed and will open in September 2024.

National Council for the Social Studies is pleased to announce The 1787 Prize, an annual essay contest for high school students in grades 11-12 introduced on the observance of the 2022 Constitution Day.


About the 1787 Prize

“The consent of the governed” is a foundational principle upon which our nation’s government is built. Indeed, the “just powers” of our 1787 Constitution were directly legitimized by ratification of the people in pathbreaking citizen conventions. Today, the freedoms we hold dear are embodied in rules and laws we democratically have a voice in crafting.

The 1787 Prize brings those citizen voices back to center stage. It recognizes the best annual student essay on the subject of the U.S. Constitution’s past, present and future relevance by exploring how our written principles align with this vision of citizen engagement. 


The 1787 Prize is open to all high school students in grades 11-12. An essay may be submitted with up to three (3) student co-authors. There is a maximum of one (1) submission per high school.

Essay requirements are:

Between 1,000 - 2,500 words
Includes a footnote and bibliography
Incorporates a mix of primary and secondary sources 


One award will be announced in the amount of $2,500. The $2,500 prize amount will be split among any co-authors. 


September 17, 2023: The 1787 Prize launch is announced.
March 31, 2024: Essays are due to NCSS by 11:59 PM Hawaii Standard Time.
April-May 2024: The 1787 Prize Selection Committee reviews all essays.
June 12, 2024: The 1787 Prize winner is announced.

2023-2024 Essay Prompt

The United States government has progressed from a treaty among the colonies (the Articles of Confederation), to a national constitution that shared governing power with a federation of states, to a strongly centralized national power. Over two centuries have elapsed since our nation’s founding, the pressures of a Revolutionary War have waned, and slavery has ended. While our understanding of democracy has matured, how might you re-envision the following two aspects of the Constitution?

  • The division of rights and responsibilities among the Federation
  • The division of power within the Federal government, including the role of the Senate and the Electoral College


Please email for any questions about this award, eligibility, timeline, and selection process.

Call for The 1787 Prize Selection Committee

Are you a high school social studies educator and NCSS member? If so, we invite you to serve on The 1787 Prize Selection Committee! Reviewers will convene for a general orientation session to discuss the scoring criteria and rubric. Reviewers will be given approximately 4-5 weeks to score all assigned essays, and may be divided into scoring teams based on the number of essays received. To apply to be a reviewer, please complete this link. All applicants will be contacted by summer 2024.