Expectations of Members in NCSS Leadership Positions

Expectations of Members in NCSS Leadership Positions

Officers and Members of the NCSS Board of Directors and its Associated Group Boards, Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Members of its Operations Committees, and Chairs and Vice-Chairs of its Special Interest Communities (collectively, “NCSS Leadership Groups”) have certain expectations and exposure to private, confidential, and sensitive information pertaining to NCSS’s short- and long-term strategic plans and business operations. These expectations have been established to protect NCSS from legal, business, and reputational risks, including but not limited to those arising out of unauthorized disclosures of confidential information.

As an officer or member of volunteer status within an NCSS Leadership Group as stated above:

  • I will not divulge or discuss the content of any confidential NCSS information with anyone outside of the bounds of the NCSS Board of Directors or my specific NCSS Leadership Group.
  • I will not exploit for personal gain any information I have gained while being a member of an NCSS Leadership Group.
  • I will not use my position for personal gain or to influence other parties for personal benefit.
  • I will be honest and realistic in establishing goals, objectives, budgets, and commitments for my NCSS Leadership Group and any of its operations.
  • I will assume responsibility and accountability for my actions and never attempt to cover up mistakes or lapses in judgment.
  • I will not knowingly engage in any activity that is in “conflict of interest” with the organization and operations of NCSS. (Note: A conflict of interest is defined as a financial or other personal interest which may cause me to put another interest ahead of the best interests of NCSS.)
  • Upon my departure from the NCSS Board of Directors or other NCSS Leadership Group, I will not disclose to other parties any information deemed confidential or proprietary by NCSS.
  • I will discharge my duties as a member of an NCSS Leadership Group in a professional, courteous, and timely manner.
  • I will support the decisions of the NCSS Board of Directors and of any other NCSS Leadership Group on which I serve.
  • I will abide by NCSS’ Statement of Professional Ethics.
  • In the event that it is determined I am involved in a possible conflict of interest in matters before the NCSS Board of Directors or any NCSS Leadership Group, I will disclose such conflict to the applicable NCSS Leadership Group Chair immediately and recuse myself from all deliberations and voting related to the matter.

Failure to uphold these leadership expectations will result in appropriate action as determined by the NCSS Board of Directors, up to and including removal as an Officer or Member of any or all NCSS Leadership Groups.