Expectations of NCSS Leadership

Expectations of NCSS Leadership

The following agreement has been developed as a guide for elected officers, members of the Board of Directors, executive staff, committee and community chairs, and other group leaders of the National Council for the Social Studies.
Developed by NCSS Board of Directors, March 2012

  1. We will arrive at meetings prepared and ready to work.
  2. We will use the NCSS strategic plan to guide our decision-making.
  3. We will be open, direct, and truthful with our ideas and opinions.
  4. When confronted with opposing views, we will listen without becoming offended or defensive.
  5. We will agree to disagree on some subjects without personalizing the issue.
  6. We will base our decisions on factual information and logical analysis.
  7. We will use time efficiently as we work collaboratively to resolve issues.
  8. While pursuing our own goals for NCSS, we will do so in a manner consistent with the broader needs and goals of the council.
  9. We will be open to change and innovation for the betterment of the council.
  10. We will be aware of how our decisions may affect others and consult with each other on who might be affected before taking any significant action.
  11. We will respect confidentiality when dealing with sensitive issues, discussions, and situations.
  12. We will consider relevant trends, possible threats, and potential opportunities as we envision the council’s future.
  13. We will follow through on responsibilities and commitments.
  14. We will be aware and respectful of our different roles and responsibilities.
  15. We will not take individual action on behalf of NCSS without direction from the Board, elected officers, or staff.