Council Affiliation Renewal Form

Council Affiliation Renewal Form

Thank you for your interest in affiliating your council with the National Council for the Social Studies for the 2023-24 school year. This seeks your council's contact information for the 2023-2024 year in preparation for NCSS affiliation. Please complete all the required fields to provide information on your council's membership, legislative advocacy efforts and recognition programs. Affiliation policies are listed below. 

If you have any questions, please contact Joy Lindsey, Deputy Executive Director, at

Forms must be completed by June 15, 2024. 

7.1 Affiliated Councils

7.1.1 Eligibility

  1. Affiliation with National Council for the Social Studies is open to any group of individuals which has the same purpose and goals as NCSS. Any social studies council at the local, state, or regional level may affiliate directly with NCSS, provided that the general goals of the council are consistent with those of NCSS and provided that ten percent of its membership hold regular, comprehensive or student membership in NCSS. 
    • NCSS will not encourage the organization or affiliation of a council to function within the same geographic area served by an existing affiliate.
    • Regional or local councils transcending state/provincial lines applying for affiliation with NCSS must present letters of agreement of participation from state or provincial councils within the proposed region. Only members from agreeing states or provinces will be counted for purposes of representation in the House of Delegates.
    • Councils outside of the United States may affiliate with NCSS on the same basis as U.S. councils.
    • Membership privileges in state and local affiliates should be similar to those in NCSS. Anyone who pays dues is a full voting member and the organization raises the voices of all social studies professionals in an organization whose culture is inclusive and where all voices are encouraged, supported and celebrated.

7.1.2 Benefits of Affiliation

  1. Each Affiliated Council is eligible for representation in the House of Delegates with representation being based upon the number of joint memberships with NCSS. A council with up to 10-24 joint members is entitled to one delegate; a council with 25-49 joint members is entitled to two delegates; 50-99 entitles it to three; 100-199 entitles it to four; and a council is entitled to an additional delegate (beyond four) for each 100 members beyond 199 joint members. 
    • Each Affiliated Council has the right to include 'Affiliated with National Council for the Social Studies' in its communications.
    • Affiliated Council contact and annual meeting information are listed on NCSS website.

7.1.3 Affiliation Standards

  1. A council seeking affiliation with NCSS should request advice from NCSS headquarters regarding affiliation procedures and information concerning any existing affiliated councils in its area.
  2. A council seeking or maintaining affiliation with NCSS must demonstrate the following:
    • has active registration as a non-profit corporation within the home state, and files an IRS determination letter with NCSS;
    • annually files the appropriate IRS Form 990; 
    • completes all required annual reviews, audits, and other requirements to maintain active incorporation within the home state (based on applicable state laws);
    • adopts, revises, and adheres to, and files bylaws with NCSS that reflect the current rules and practices of NCSS;
    • operates according to the vision, mission, and policies of NCSS, as well as NCSS legislative and advocacy priorities, and adopted positions and resolutions;
    • utilizes, displays and incorporates NCSS trademarks, NCSS Affiliated Council trademarks, NCSS vision statement, and NCSS mission statement in conformity with NCSS guidelines;
    • prioritizes membership recruitment, retention, and engagement, and assigns these responsibilities to a member of the council’s governance team; 
    • adopts NCSS membership policies and procedures, and submits a quarterly membership dues report and pays any outstanding amounts due when funds are collected by the council for membership at the NCSS level; and
    • gives written agreement to the requirements of compliance with all NCSS affiliation standards by June 30th of each year. 
  3. Affiliation with NCSS shall continue as long as the council continues to have ten percent of its members or ten members, whichever is greater, who are also regular, comprehensive, or student members of NCSS; the council's goals continue to be consistent with those of NCSS; and the council adheres to the affiliation standards listed above. The President of each affiliate shall verify its eligibility by submitting promptly each year to the Executive Director its current membership list, with joint members identified, a list of its current officers, and other information as requested by NCSS headquarters, to include at minimum an annual membership recruitment plan.
  4. The completed application of each council will be certified by the Executive Director each year when in order.