NCSS Annual Conference Call for Proposals

 104th NCSS Annual Conference • Boston • November 22-24, 2024

NCSS Annual Conference Call for Proposals

National Council for the Social Studies invites you to submit a proposal to present at the 104th NCSS Annual Conference to be held November 22-24, 2024 in Boston, MA 

The NCSS Annual Conference is the largest gathering of K-12 social studies classroom teachers, college and university faculty members, curriculum designers and specialists, district and state social studies supervisors, international educators, and social studies discipline leaders.

Please review the information below before submitting your proposal. 




Deadline: February 29, 2024.

Presenter Registration

If you are selected as a presenter, you will be required to register for the conference by the advance registration deadline of November 15, 2024.  Although we wish would could help defray the costs of presenters, NCSS cannot reimburse conference presenters for travel or hotel expenses.

Creating Presentation Materials and Choosing Audio-Visual Equipment

Presentation materials are welcome! As a selected presenter, you will be responsible for providing any materials for use or distribution in your presentation and the costs of any A/V equipment needed. You will find A/V costs listed on the proposal form during the live submittal process. If your proposal is accepted, NCSS will confirm your audiovisual needs submitted in the proposal form and you will be billed for the options you choose. Please plan to include the costs when planning and submitting your proposal. 

Commercial Solicitation

Commercial solicitation is prohibited at all presentations. If you are representing a commercial interest, your presentation must be educational in nature. If the essential purpose of a proposal is to promote books, materials, or services for sale, it will not be accepted. It will be considered as an informational session. Proposals of a sales nature can be submitted as an exhibitor session.

Receiving Notification You Have Been Selected to Present

Acceptance/rejection notification will be sent via email to the primary presenters in early June. It is the primary presenter's responsibility to relay that information to all co-presenters. If you do not receive notice by the end of June, please contact

Scheduling information will be sent to all participants during the summer.

Understanding the Proposal and Review Process

Proposal Reviews

The current acceptance rate for sessions and power sessions is approximately 40-60 percent. For workshops, the rate has been lower, and for poster presentations and Teacher Takes higher.

Please keep in mind that presentation slots are limited. For this reason, presenters may not appear on the program in more than two presentations in different formats (e.g., session, poster, Teacher Take).

Multiple reviewers score each proposal using a blind review process. Reviewers use the following questions when scoring proposals. Keep these in mind while drafting your proposal. 

  • How well do the title and abstract match the presentation description? 
  • How well does the primary focus designation correlate with the abstract and presentation descriptions? 
  • Are the objectives experience description, and purpose statements clearly stated? 
  • Are the content and/or skills highlighted in the presentation relevant to the intended audience? 
  • Can the objectives be met and participant experience described be accomplished in the type of presentation selected? 
  • Do the presentation strategies include opportunities for audience interaction? 
  • Does the proposal present an instructional method or strategy that you would like to learn more about? 
  • Does the proposal address an under served area of social studies? 
  • Does the proposal present a new topic or instructional practice? 
  • Is the proposal relevant and of interest to social studies educators? 
  • Is this a session that you would want to attend? 

The Program Planning Committee will then make its selection from the top-ranked proposals.



Reimagining Education: One World, Many Stories

  • Best Practices of Today and Tomorrow
  • Civic Education in the Digital Age
  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Place-Based Learning
  • Teacher Candidates, Early Career Educators, and Young Learners
  • Technology in Education

Finding Your Voice: Telling Your Story

  • Advocacy for Change in Education and Your Community
  • Civic Engagement
  • Controversial Issues/Civil Discourse
  • Teacher Well-Being and Professional Development
  • Unheard Voices and Untold Stories

Amplifying Revolutionary Voices: Stories From the Past, Voices of the Present, Hope for the Future

  • Civic Engagement for Students
  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Historical Thinking and Primary Sources
  • Inquiry-based Learning & Critical Thinking
  • Place-Based Learning
  • Rho Kappa & Rho Kappa Jr.
  • Social Justice & Equity
  • Unheard voices and Untold stories

Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom: Global Voices

  • Civic Engagement for Students
  • Decolonization of the Curriculum
  • Global Connections and Cultural Competence
  • Human Rights
  • Social Justice & Equity
  • Unheard Voices and Untold Stories

Empowering and Inspiring World Leaders of Tomorrow: Global Challenges, Local Solutions

  • Advocacy for Change
  • Community Engagement and Service Learning
  • Controversial Issues/Civil Discourse
  • Environmental Issues
  • Global Connections and Cultural Competence

Proposal Information

Here are some tips and additional information to help you when planning your NCSS Annual Conference presentation proposal. 

Presentation Types

The following presentation types are planned for the 104th Annual Conference.  Choose the format that fits your content and presentation style. 

  • Session. A 60-minute traditional session.
  • Poster Session. Poster sessions involve a poster display and possibly technology. Presenters engage with attendees in small groups over a 60-minute time block.
  • Power Session. A 30-minute session that is a short presentation over a topic, resource or tool.
  • Workshop. Workshops take place on the Sunday morning of the conference and are two hours in length. Workshops should include in-depth learning and exploration.
  • Teacher Take. Short individual TED-style presentations—no more than 18 minutes. 
  • Clinic. Clinics take place the Thursday before the conference begins. Clinics can be a half-day or full-day, but should include in-depth learning and exploration.
  • Off-Site Clinic. These clinics should take place at a local site, but can be a half or full day. There should be a significant rationale for holding the clinic off-site and each clinic should include in-depth learning and exploration.

Primary Focus Areas

  • Assessment 
  • Civics/Government 
  • Cross-Disciplinary 
  • Disciplinary Literacy 
  • Economics/Financial Literacy 
  • Geography
  • Global Studies
  • Human Rights
  • Law/Law-Related Education 
  • Psychology 
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Technology
  • U.S. History 
  • World History

Become a Conference Reviewer

Regardless of whether you submit a proposal, we encourage all interested educators to consider becoming a proposal reviewer. As a reviewer, you will read and rate 12-15 proposals over a period of 2-3 weeks. The work is done entirely online, and you will help shape the  NCSS Annual Conference to reflect the needs of educators like yourself. As a thank you, proposal reviewers are eligible for a discount on conference registration. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my proposal?

All proposals must be submitted via our online submission form.

Do I have to be an NCSS member to present?

No, you do not. However, all presenters must register to attend the conference. A discounted registration rate is given to NCSS members who register before the advance registration period ends.

Is there a fee to submit a proposal?

No. However, if your proposal is accepted you must register to attend the conference.

Can I submit more than one proposal?

Yes. However, it is unlikely that multiple proposals will be accepted.

When do I need to complete my submission?

The deadline for submitting proposals is February 29, 2024.