#NCSS2022 Preparation Checklist

December 2-4, 2022 • Philadelphia, PA

#NCSS2022 Preparation Checklist

Getting to the Conference

  1. Purchase your registration(s) for #NCSS2022 before the early registration rate ends on November 25, 2022.
  2. Make your travel plans to get to Philadelphia.
    1. Authorization codes for discounted flight plans can be found here.
    2. Attendees who plan to drive can learn about parking deals here.
  3. Reserve a hotel for staying in the area. NCSS has reserved some hotel blocks near the Pennslyvania Convention Center. Learn about our hotel and travel deals here.
  4. Know the COVID-19 Protocols and Vaccination Requirements.

Preparing for Conference Programming

  1. Preview the Featured Speakers at #NCSS2022. Note the names of any speakers that pique your interest. The date, time, and location of all speakers can be found in the next step.
  2. Preview the sessions available at #NCSS2022. Add all courses that pique your interest to your calendar, which can be done by clicking the calendar icon in the top right of a session.
    1. Search for the Featured Speakers you noted earlier to find their session information. If a speaker does not appear on a specific day, check the other available speaker days (December 2, 3, and 4).
  3. When all programs have been selected, begin to narrow down your schedule (if necessary)
    1. For programs that are scheduled at the same time, ask a colleague to attend and take notes