#NCSS2020 On Demand Session Recordings Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#NCSS2020 On Demand Session Recordings Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I sign in to the #NCSS2020 Virtual Conference?
A: To sign in to the Virtual Conference website, click here, then enter the email address and the NCSS password provided to you in your registration confirmation.

Q: How can I view On Demand #NCSS2020 Sessions?
Navigate to the NCSS Conference website.

  • Click the “On Demand Video” button on the navigation bar at the top.
  • Click the “+” next to a track to expand and view the recordings.

Q: How do I reset my password?
A: On the login screen, click “forgot password” above the sign-in button. This will send password reset instructions directly to your email address.

Q: I can't access the Virtual Conference Website.
A: You may not be able to access the Virtual Conference Website for one of the following reasons:

  • You are attempting to log in with an email address that is not registered for the conference.
  • Your email and password are already logged in on another device.

For issues related to the first bullet point, please contact us directly via conference@ncss.org.
For issues related to the second bullet point, please log out from the other device and re-attempt to login.

Q: When will the Virtual Conference session recordings become unavailable?
A: Virtual Conference session recordings are available until April 30, 2021, at 12:01 AM.