Indigenous Education Programs at #NCSS2022

December 2-4, 2022 • Philadelphia, PA

Indigenous Education Programs at #NCSS2022

"Given that all education in the United States takes place on Indigenous lands, National Council for the Social Studies recognizes the responsibility of social studies education to respect and affirm Indigenous peoples, nations, and sovereignty. NCSS supports the creation and implementation of social studies curricula that explicitly present and emphasize accurate narratives of the lives, experiences, and histories of Indigenous Peoples, their sovereign Nations, and their interactions—past, present, and future—with Euro-American settlers and the government of the United States of America." -- (National Council for the Social Studies, Toward Responsibility: Social Studies Education that Respects and Affirms Indigenous Peoples and Nations, 2018)

NCSS is pleased to offer a variety of programs on the topic of Indigenous Education at the 102nd NCSS Annual Conference. Take a look at these programs and don't forget to register for #NCSS2022!

Friday, December 2, 2022

Warrior Spirit: Native American Veterans History

Speakers: Cheryl Hughes, Herman Viola, Andrew Huber
Location: Marriott Franklin 8 (4th Floor)
Time: 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM ET
Description: Join the Warrior Spirit Consortium to explore how to bring Native American Veteran History into the classroom honoring those who have served our country through oral histories and primary source collections.
Tags: PreK–12, Indigenous Studies, Session, Hard History

Taking Action For Undocumented Indigenous Voices in Elementary Curriculum

Speaker: Jessica Macdonald
Location: Convention Center Reg. Bridge West (Table 6)
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Description: How can educators prepare to teach students about Indigenous Peoples when a lack of curriculum exists? Learn ways to combat this gap to allow room for indigenous voices in classrooms.
Tags: Early Childhood/Elementary, Indigenous Studies, Poster, Educators as Learners, Media Literacy

Examining the Historical Trauma of the Indian Boarding School System

Speakers: Sarah Brown and Kylie Maddy
Location: Convention Center 204B
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ET
Description: Through an evaluation of the history of the Indian Boarding School system and the portrayals of victimization vs. resistance and resilience, teachers will reexamine how they've presented Native American history.
Tags: 6–12, Indigenous Studies, Session, Hard History

Home from School: The Children of Carlisle

Sponsored by the Indigenous Education Community
Location: Convention Center 204C
Time: 3:50 PM - 5:35 PM ET
Description: Home from School: The Children of Carlisle is a documentary feature that tackles the history of the federal Indian boarding school era in the United States and tribal communities seeking healing and justice from these policies decades later. In 2022-23, Home From School is working with strategic partners to ensure that the film is seen and used by educators and students around the U.S. to promote education, dialogue and understanding about the boarding school era and its lasting legacy on the Native American community today.  Following the film, the audience will hear from and engage with members of the film about the making of the film and its impacts on the Northern Arapaho Tribe.  Hear directly from those involved in bringing the children at Carlisle home from school and their travels between Pennsylvania and the Northern Arapahoe Nation.
Tags: 6–12, Film, Hard History, Indigenous Studies, US History

Engage at the Intersection of Ethnobotany and Mother Earth: Creating New Pathways of Awareness

Speakers: Linwood Tall Bull and John Bennett
Location: Convention Center Reg. Bridge West (Table 5)
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET
Description: Speak with a Northern Cheyenne elder and explore a new website featuring first-hand accounts of the Northern Cheyenne, historically and today. Interact at the intersection of ethnobotany and Grandmother Earth.
Tags: PreK–12, Indigenous Studies, Poster, Educators as Learners, Hard History

Creating Native Studies Courses in Public School

Speakers: Alison McCartan and Jared Koepp
Location: Convention Center Reg. Bridge West (Table 21)
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET
Description: Learn how a school district’s tribal partnership and collaboration with its Title VI program led to creating Native Studies courses. It highlights partnerships, training, and teaching practices.
Tags: Poster, Secondary/High School, Indigenous Studies, Hard History

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Re-Indigenizing History: Moving Beyond Decolonization in Your District

Speakers: Shana Brown and Gail Morris
Location: Marriott Franklin 8 (4th Floor)
Time: 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM ET
Description: Decolonizing Native American and indigenous histories is only the first step toward sustainable educational justice. When we re-indigenize settler-colonial systems and practices, we learn what Native people have always known.
Tags: Supervisor/Administrative, Indigenous Studies, Session, Educators as Learners, Political Landscape

Indigenous Voices: Land and Water in the Four-Corners Region - Geo-Inquiry for Elementary Educators

Speakers: Linda Burrows and Stephanie Hartman
Location: Convention Center 201C
Time: 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM ET
Description: Learn about the land and water in the Four Corners region from the Ute and Diné tribes. Explore resources, lessons, and projects.
Tags: Early Childhood/Elementary, Indigenous Studies, Session, Educators as Learners

Inquiry and the Decentring of Privileged Voices

Speakers: Jacob Carson and Nancy Zarrillo
Location: Convention Center Reg Bridge West (Table 13)
Time: 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM ET
Description: How do white educators and BIPOC high school students critically engage with difficult shared histories? Using inquiry, discover how two teachers from Winnipeg, Canada have been doing just that.
Tags: Secondary/High School, Indigenous Studies, Poster, Hard History

Picture This: Teaching Indigenous History Using Graphic Novels and Books

Speaker: Kyla Sweet
Location: Convention Center 103C
Time: 4:55 PM - 5:25 PM ET
Description: Explore how to expand, improve, and respectfully teach Native American and Inuit history and curriculum, using authentic Indigenous texts and resources developed in Canada.
Tags: PreK–12, Indigenous Studies, Power Session, Hard History, Global Citizens

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Voices and Silences: Teachers Reimagining Indigenous Representation

Speakers: Denise Rodriguez, Lauren Wright, Angélica Guerrero Barragán
Location: Convention Center 204A
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET
Description: Engage with pedagogical tools used to design a curriculum that amplifies indigenous voices and supports students in examining the world through a lens of indigenous perspectives and values.
Tags: 6–12, Indigenous Studies, Workshop, Hard History