ATSS/UFT & UFT/JHC Holocaust Conference

ATSS/UFT & UFT/JHC Holocaust Conference


Mar 7, 2021 4:00 AM

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The Association of Teachers of Social Studies / UFT and the UFT Jewish Heritage Committee are co-sonsoring the 23rd annual Holocaust Conference for Educators with the American Society for Yad Vashem on Sunday March 7, 2021, 9:00 AM to 11 AM. Like last year it will be a virtual conference via zoom. The Conference is free and CTLE credit will be offered by Manhattanville College. The theme this year is “History Repeats Itself: Making Sure Our Students Are Listening.” Keynote Speakers are Elisha Wiesel (son of Elie Wiesel) and Shulamit Imber, Vashem in Israel.

Educational Materials and Lesson Plans will be included. For additional information contact
Carolyn Herbst, ATSS/UFT at PH 646.258.1942 or  or Marlene W. Yahalom at