Article 4 Faculty Sponsor

Article 4 Faculty Sponsor

Section 1:

Each local chapter of Rho Kappa shall have a designated faculty sponsor approved by the high school principal and may serve consecutive terms.

Section 2:

The chapter sponsor will be responsible for the chapter's day-to-day activities, act as a supervisor over the chapter, and perform the duties of a liaison among administration, faculty, students, and community members.

Section 3:

The chapter sponsor has the responsibility for the maintenance of accurate and up-to-date files that consist of membership lists, financial transactions, chapter history, chapter activities, chapter publications and correspondence, and chapter by-laws.

Section 4:

The chapter sponsor shall regularly review each member to ensure membership in good standing as determined by the chapter's by-laws.

Section 5:

The chapter sponsor shall assist the chapter officers to understand and carry out their duties to the best of their abilities.

Section 6:

The chapter sponsor shall be a Rho Kappa honorary member .

Section 7:

The chapter sponsor shall be the main liaison between the local chapter and the national organization. This sponsor is responsible for submitting all membership lists and associated fees along with any other information requested by the Rho Kappa Advisory Council.