A Large PD Listing (Thanks, CS4)

A Large PD Listing (Thanks, CS4)

NCSS would like to alert all its members about this large and useful listing (updated regularly) of professional development events (webinars, seminars, summer workshops, etc.).
“2017 Summer Professional Development Opportunities in Social Studies,” is in the form of a GoogleDoc, and was compiled by the Council of State Social Studies Supervisors (CS4, an NCSS-affiliated group) and its many colleagues. See the listing at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OQ28L6qYSXGnF2yjBfwXhU-ucLH7QEjTr-AuUaCwFJ4/edit#gid=258729225.
The curator is Stefanie Rosenberg Wager, a Social Studies Consultant (21st Century Skills-Civic and Financial Literacy, World Languages) in the Iowa Department of Education and a member of the NCSS Board of Directors. She can be reached at stefanie.wager@iowa.gov. Read about CS4 at http://cs4.socialstudies.org/about/aboutus.


August 2, 2017 - August 2, 2018