TSSP Publishing Guidelines 2022-2023

TSSP Publishing Guidelines 2022-2023

The Social Studies Professional e-newsletter (TSSP) proudly serves subscribers twice a month with news, resources, and tools for social studies educators. TSSP receives hundreds of requests annually to publish various content types and strives to provide relevant and timely updates for our subscribers


Please send your content items for consideration to tssp@ncss.org.

General publication guidelines for TSSP are listed below. NCSS reserves the right to not publish offers, announcements, or notices that, in NCSS' sole discretion, are not aligned to the NCSS mission or serve members’ interests.

  • TSSP accepts limited content requests to post grants, contests, or honorarium awards listings from NCSS Affiliated Councils, and social studies related associations or organizations. 
  • TSSP accepts special recognition announcements (awards, honors, promotions, etc.) about joint Affiliated Council/NCSS members for publication.
  • TSSP will post notices for free social studies professional learning, products, resources, or tools aligned to the NCSS mission from social studies related associations or organizations. Companies offering professional learning, free products, resources, or tools may be accepted on a limited basis and at the discretion of NCSS.
  • Professional learning, products, resources, and tools from associations, organizations, or companies requiring a payment fee of any amount, for any purpose, are ineligible for TSSP advertising placement. Please contact Maribell Abeja-DeVitto at MAbejaDeVitto@smithbucklin.com. 
  • Associations and organizations serving similar audiences and offering comparable products for payment will be reviewed and placed at the discretion of NCSS. 
  • Non-NCSS authored or partnered books will be referred to our advertising firm for advertising placement. 
  • TSSP content space is limited in each edition. While a best effort is made to place content in requested editions, TSSP reserves the right to place non-paid advertising at its discretion. 
  • TSSP will print requests for research participant surveys from official NCSS partners or collaborators (defined as associations, organizations, or companies). This does not extend to individual members or non-members. 
  • Conference "call for proposals" will only be accepted from NCSS Affiliated Councils.
  • TSSP reserves the right to review, accept, and reject all content. Content topics submitted to TSSP should be of national or international interest for best consideration and aligned to NCSS mission and vision. 
  • Please notify TSSP four weeks prior to your content's requested placement date for best consideration.
  • For all TSSP advertising and sponsorship inquiries, please contact Maribell Abeja-Devitto at MAbejaDevitto@smithbucklin.com. 
  • View TSSP advertising and sponsorship rates.

NCSS members are encouraged to submit content ideas for stories, updates, and other topics related to the mission of NCSS. All content topics should be of national or international interest. Please email your content to tssp@ncss.org

All TSSP announcements received at tssp@ncss.org should include:

  • Text in an editable form (for editing purposes).
  • A brief description of the resource provided and URL where readers can find more information.
  • A submission deadline and email and/or mailing address for submission materials.
  • Complete contact information for submission including mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  • A timely date for publication —TSSP readers should receive the announcement in advance of the event or activity listed in your submission.