Social Education September 2008

Social Education September 2008



Ensuring Access to the Ballot Box: Voting Rights in the United States

By Elizabeth M. Yang, Kristi Gaines

A close look at contemporary voting rights issuesvoter identification laws, English only laws, and felon disenfranchisementdemonstrates ways in which voting rights can be restricted by seemingly ordinary requirements.

Question: Who Can Vote?

By Misty D. Rodeheaver, Mary E. Haas

Key historical events changed voting practices in America and extended the right to vote. This article spotlights a few of those events, as well as contemporary voting issues, and outlines a teacher-tested lesson on voting.

Habeas Corpus and Enemy Combatants

By Carolyn Pereira, Nisan Chavkin

The writ of habeas corpus has been a critical tool for balancing the rights of individuals with the government's responsibility to protect the nation's welfare. The featured elementary, middle, and high school lessons explore the significance of this right.

Frederick Douglass Changed My Mind about the Constitution

By James Oakes

Like Frederick Douglass, this historian had originally viewed the Constitution as pro-slavery. Yet a close look at Douglass's writings revealed a Constitution that empowered the federal government to abolish slavery.

Remapping Neural Circuits, Civics, and Presidential Libraries: Coincidences? You Be the Judge

By C. Frederick Risinger

This review of the Presidential Timeline and 12 existing presidential library websites will help teachers and students to focus on the presidency.

The Two World Histories

By Ross E. Dunn

Despite the urgent need to improve the world history curriculum, disagreements on the subject have divided scholars, educators, and policymakers into different camps at cross purposes with each other.

Conducting Interviews to Learn about World War II

By Mary E. Haas

The two featured lesson plans offer student interviewers the opportunity to evaluate multiple perspectives, interpret information, and draw historical conclusions.

Fear, Panic, and Injustice: Executive Order 9066 A Lesson for Grades 4-6

By Theresa M. McCormick

In this lesson, students use primary sources to understand how a climate of fear influenced the president to sign the order that forced the incarceration of Japanese Americans.

Rough Journal Page Documenting Ratification and Final Page of the Treaty of Paris, 1783

By Lee Ann Potter

The featured documents highlight for students the significance of the Treaty of Paris, not only in ending the Revolutionary War, but also in transforming British North America.