Social Education January/February 2015

Social Education January/February 2015



Zivotofsky v. Kerry: A Study in Law, Politics, and Foreign Affairs

By Steven D. Schwinn

A Supreme Court case that centers on a disagreement between Congress and the Executive Branch on the status of Jerusalem can serve as a launching point for a lesson on the authority of the different branches of government.


Social Studies Up!

By Michelle Herczog

At NCSS, we continue to advance our key objectives—to increase education resources, advance advocacy, grow our membership, and promote citizenship with the C3 Framework.


Asking Students to Compare the Value of Information in Different Sources about the Same Event

By Scott M. Waring

A close look at the spy map that helped George Washington win the Battle of Princeton can place students in the role of historians as they analyze the map and other sources to shed light on this historic event.


Immigrants and National Security During World War I

By Kimberlee Ried

The U.S. government document issued during World War I to a German immigrant and Civil War veteran can launch a classroom exploration of federal policies on national security and the rights of immigrants.


The Nobel Peace Prize: Malala, A Girl Determined to Go to School

By Efleda P. Tolentino, Jean O'Neill Uhl, Iftikhar Ahmad

The story of Malala Yousafzai's fight to get an education can engage students in a study of global children's rights and the UN Convention that established them.


A Time for Social Studies: Talking with Young People about Ferguson and Staten Island

By Beth C. Rubin

When students engage in discussions about civic rights and processes, their sense of discouragement transforms to a sense of empowerment.


Justice and Responsibility in a Changing Climate

By The Choices Program, Brown University

This lesson guides students to consider current emissions, per capita emissions, and historical emissions of various countries to deliberate the question of responsibility for climate change.


Teaching the Battle of Gallipoli: Investigating Multiple Perspectives

By Joan Brodsky Schur

Students will gain a much broader understanding of World War I by studying the Battle of Gallipoli—its outcome and effects—from multiple perspectives.


Plagues and Disease throughout World History

By C. Frederick Risinger

These websites provide lesson plans and resources for teaching about how germs and disease have affected world history.