Social Education April 2008

Social Education April 2008




Standing: Who Can Sue to Protect the Environment?

By Marisa A. Martin

Teaching Activity by James Landman


The Technology of Unequal Rights for Women: Patent Drawings of a Voting Machine

By Michael Hussey

The featured voting machines patents can inspire thoughtful classroom discussion on voting rights, voting privacy, and the accuracy of voting machines.

What Websites Are on My Favorite List?

By C. Frederick Risinger

The author presents his favorite websites, focusing on those that are interesting, well designed, and useful to social studies educators.

Visions of a Technological Past and Present

Steam Man and Airships: Technology of the Future in the Past

By Caroline C. Sheffield, Kenneth T. Carano, Michael J. Berson

The Frank Reade dime novels reveal the strict, xenophobic, social class system of the late nineteenth century, while offering insight into the influence of technology.

Window Into the White House

By Stephanie van Hover, Marc J. Selverstone, Patrice Preston-Grimes

The digital resource highlighted in this article offers students a window into the policymaking and personalities of six presidents as they negotiate complex and challenging historical events.

Using Digital Resources to Explore the Role of Children in the Framing of Social Issues

By Ilene R. Berson

Students will gain important insight and foster critical skills when they analyze how Using the Web to Teach Historical Thinking

By Daisy Martin, Sam Wineburg, Roy Rosenzweig, Sharon Leon

The featured web-based resources focus on teaching students how to read historical

The Starving Time Wikinquiry: Using a Wiki to Foster Historical Inquiry

By Jeremy D. Stoddard, Mark J. Hofer, Molly G. Buchanan

Highlighting a wikinquiry on the Jamestown colony's 'starving time,' the authors demonstrate a wiki's power to promote student collaboration, enhance communication, and improve construction of knowledge.

Sharpening Citizenship Skills through Electronic Discussion

By Catherine Snyder

A world history assignment, kicked off with a question on the French Revolution and furthered with a political cartoon, demonstrates the power of electronic discourse to enhance instruction and increase student participation.

Open Secrets: Using the Internet to Learn about the Influence of Money in Politics

By Scott K. Scheuerell

Students can learn a great deal about our political system by examining how politicians are financed. The highlighted website that tracks campaign contributions is a rich resource for teaching about the influence of money in our political system.